Avoid Extravagance This Festive Season


When you mention Christmas and New Year to Christians, they will smile broadly and their hearts mesmerized with joy. 

Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, according to the beliefs of Christianity, while New Year is used by all to celebrate and appreciate the year just ended and the new one beginning. 

As we head to the festive season, try as much as you can to regulate the usage of your money. Amidst this Covid-19 pandemic, the economy is not welcoming, especially following a report by the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR) that indicated that of the more than 2 million people that lost their jobs, during the pandemic period, nearly 10 million households were affected in one way or the other. With that in mind, it sounds arrogant when you go on spending your money anyhow rather than recovering from the loss incurred. 

Invest enormous energy and money in your spending plans and projects for the coming New Year 2022, if God wishes, school fees, business investment, and capital so that you enhance your financial security that will ensure you do not run out of finances that might haunt you mercilessly. 

Young couple at Christmas shopping, COVID-19 pandemic. They wearing a protective mask to protect from coronavirus COVID-19 and holding gift boxes

These luxurious things that you are minding may be to purchase has no significance to your budget. If the case is, use the minimum cost of the purchase to save your pocket from running short. 

Reduce travelings or if possible refrain. The domestic and foreign tour will hit hard your bank account. Every journey you arrange demands your finance to fulfill. Prefer to spend your holiday within your location and cut down on unnecessary costs/payments. 

In terms of food and shelter, just consume what you are used to. Avoid spending more on buying foods and yet the store is full. Use it! When your clothes are neat and clean use them during this festive season than buying expensive ones. If you want to buy, prefer to buy cheap ones over expensive ones. 

Minimize the friends and relatives ceremonies. Such ceremonies require some money to spend that might be used in other important plans/projects. It will not be an offense when you hold on celebrating or minimizing the spending. 

Christmas and New Year seasons are with us. Let us welcome them jovially! Let us celebrate! Celebrate to the utmost. Consider Ministry of Health protocols and measures on Covid-19. Care and aid the needy ones. Exchange gifts, but be careful with your pocket and account, mind next year’s budget! 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year my dear ones.


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