Don’t Try To Find a Soulmate Before You Find Your Own Soul – Relationship Tips

Isn’t it sad how often people try to find a soulmate before they find their own soul? You don’t invite guests to your house when it’s still under construction, do you? It’s still messy and rugged and inhospitable. And so is your soul when you’re yet to do your inner work.

The feelings of love and desiring intimacy come pretty soon, and many mistakes that for readiness. But don’t we all desire money and cars and the benefits of a good job even before we’re qualified for the job? It is the same principle.

We train for jobs by acquiring skills and knowledge in that field. And for most courses, it takes at least 3 years of exclusive training. Love is the same. You need as much time to learn the theories of personalities, character traits, the constitution of lasting love, what the soul is, how emotions are created and controlled, the center and fulcrum of your being, the trajectory of your life, the purpose of your life and how your love life fits into all these.

Love and matters of the soul are deep and sacred and it’s deadly to jump into them ill-prepared and hope to learn on the fly. This is why we have so many people who have already given up on love because they entered the wrong way and got burnt.

The good book says love is as strong as death and that we’re to avoid arousing it before time. Yes, love cab cause death when mishandled. Death of dreams and desires, death of joy. ‘Only fools rush in where angels fear to tread.’



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