Written by Benjamin Zulu. Counseling Psychologist, Conference Speaker and Life Coach.
Sometimes a lady will tell me her husband won’t allow her to work because he believes when women are exposed to money and men they become prostitutes.
Or he wants her to stay at home simply because he can ‘provide everything’ as if he can provide her destiny. And I always ask her how she chose such an idiot for a husband. And 90% of them will confess it’s because they were also an idiot when they chose him.

She was either among the restless and reckless underage girls who rush headlong into marriages before they know who they are, or she was driven by desperation from another source and so she did a very shoddy job of getting to know him first.
Solution? If the foundation of a house is cracked and sinking, what is the solution? Exactly. Demolish it and build again, or stay in it and tread carefully without bringing anything into it hoping it holds for longer.
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The same applies to marriages whose foundations are wrong.
Get out and start afresh or stay in and tiptoe around, accepting the tiny space your terrible choice of a husband is trying to squeeze you into.