KEBS MD Bernard Njiraini at a past event.

KeBS Enhance Surveillance, Testing Frequency for Imports

The Kenya Bureau of Standards (KeBS) has assured Kenyans that all the products that find their way into the country’s market are of the required standards.

Benard Njiraini, the Managing Director of KeBS says that they have positioned their laboratories at the border points or rapid tests of exports.

The tests, Njiraini notes, are meant to ascertain that the imports meet the minimum standard requirements.

“We do rapid tests to ascertain the maize, and other products that are coming to the country meet the standard requirements,” says the KeBS MD.

He also affirmed their commitment to ensuring the safety of customers using imported goods, hence protecting Kenyan manufacturers from unfair competition.

According to Njiraini, they have intensified their surveillance and testing frequencies of imports.

The former Kenya Revenue Authority Commissioner General further assured Kenyans that all the maize coming into the country is of the required standards – “that is 10 parts per billion in terms of aflatoxin”.

There have been concerns among a section of stakeholders that maize from neighboring counties had high aflatoxin content.

“It has been our main line activity whereby we have been rejecting some imports because they do not meet the standards,” Njiraini noted.

According to KeBS, the inspecting process for all the imports was an agreement among all the countries in the East African Community.


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