Locals Narrate Worrying Effects of Kipkenyo Dumpsite

A section of residents of Kipkenyo estate on the outskirts of Eldoret town is calling upon the county government of Uasin Gishu to put in place urgent measures that will help improve the state of the nearby dumpsite.

The residents say the dumpsite endangers their health due to their inhaling of smoke and polluted air – a condition that has contributed to the presence of breathing problems amongst them.

“The diseases that bother me are chest pains and difficulties in breathing. This is due to smoke and air pollution,” says one of the locals.

Children are the most affected by the dumpsite. Most of them experience severe headaches due to inadequate air circulation because of the polluted air.

Some of the children, the locals say, spend most of their time in the dumpsite, leading to absenteeism in school, and also some end up dropping out of school.

Water has also been affected by the dumpsite, especially during the rainy season. The litters are carried away by the rain into their boreholes hence contaminating the water.

Aside from effects on the people, the residents say animals are also affected by the dumpsite. They feed on waste materials among them plastic paper bags which put them at risk.

Farming is also a problem for the residents around that area. They note that their farms have been producing low yields because of the infertile land which has been affected by different waste products.

Smoke that comes out of the Kipkenyo dumpsite when the garbage is burnt has also caused corrugated iron sheets – subsequently increasing expenses to the locals who are forced to replace them after one or two years.

The Kipkenyo locals are now calling on political leaders to come to their rescue by helping address the issue.

“We would like them (politicians) to come and visit us to see the situation we are in and to help us, rather than going to better places to do their campaigns,” noted a local.


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