I hope you’re not trying to find a soulmate from someone who has no soul. Some humans are just empty. They’re selfish and lacking in compassion.
They only do what serves them and if you look behind them you’ll see a trail of bleeding people who they have used and hurt.
Then you come around with your good heart thinking you can ‘love them until they change’ without knowing that their previous victims were mistaken just like you.
There are humans who lack humanity. They don’t feel for anyone and their only motivation is their own greed.

Solution? Understand that not every seeker in the market of relationships is solid and sincere like you. Many are hollow and empty. They have nothing to offer. They seek good people only to take away from them.
How to identify them? They appeal only to your feelings, never to your heart. You marry them after doing a lot of debate and self-convincing and justifications. Because you can see signs of their hollowness but you underestimate it because you don’t fully understand it. You’re naive.
You hide the matter from even your true friends and you conceal some facts about them to your family, more so those members of your family you know are usually sober in interrogating issues.

They play on your sense of desperation and impatience rather than destiny or perfect timing. With them, you’re settling for a ‘good enough’ relationship rather than a great connection and divine match-up.