Your job as a partner is to make sure that he/she does not need another person. That is, that their needs are not going unmet.
And of course, we’re referring to needs, not greed.
Everyone must manage their greed or tendency to lust for what’s out of bounds by themselves. But marital needs must be met by each other.
If someone puts you on a dry spell for longer than the usual period sexually, you have the right to ask them whether you’re the man or the woman.
It doesn’t make you demanding or ‘too much into sex.’ If they ignore or trivialize it, they’re insinuating that you can no longer count on them and it’s time to ask them if they still wish to continue with the marriage.
And if yes, how they suggest you meet your needs.
Also Read: Don’t Try to Find a Soulmate Before You Find Your Own Soul – Benjamin Zulu
Never stay with a counterfeit partner who takes up the place of your partner but doesn’t perform the duties.
Written by Benjamin Zulu - a Counseling Psychologist, Conference Speaker, and Life Coach.