Why Women Will Settle For Men with Money and Not Love

Many people fail to understand why women are usually attracted to men with money and sometimes do not settle for love.

They rather focus to find men who will cascade them with gifts and luxurious life without them toiling for it.

We take a look at some of the reasons behind these happenings;

A lot of women are not driven by personal ambitions. Many of them see no need to sweat in search of money because they believe that someday, they will get married to a man.

A good percentage of women dream to have a rich man who will not only marry them but also be rich enough to take good care of her and fulfill all her needs.  To break this chain of poverty in her and her family, they always look for rich men to give them money or marry them.

Pressure from family and friends is one of the reasons why most women want men with money. Most of them are pressured by parents and friends to find a man who is wealthy. They believe that if she gets a rich man, he will definitely support her family.

Women are looking for men with money because they are trying to come out of a financial crunch since most of them want to get money while resting on the bed.  They usually don’t have any kind of financial leverage and so they believe, getting a rich man will walk them out of their financial problems. They also have it in mind that getting a financially stable man will automatically lend her rich and her family will benefit as well.

Most women love looking good and having trending fashion in their wardrobe. Some aren’t in the position to afford that and because they want to look good as well, they will look for men with money to sponsor them to facilitate their luxurious life and shower them with gifts.


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