Freedom of the media and quick dissemination of information has been pointed out as some of the key achievements in Kenya’s media space.
The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) State of the Media Report 2022 released by Council’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) David Omwoyo on Monday, February 13, 2023, during celebrations to mark this year’s World Radio Day in Mombasa indicate professionalism, high levels of technology used and diversification of platforms of accessing information as reasons to celebrate Kenya’s media.
However, Kenyans are concerned with the rise in fake news, biases in the media and poor coverage of important issues while betting remains a key issue in Kenyan media outlets with 30 per cent of Kenyans admitting involvement in betting.

The report further indicates that legacy media platforms such as television and newspaper recorded increased usage in 2022 compared to radio.
It indicates that young people aged 18 – 24 years rely mostly on legacy media platforms such as television, radio, and digital platforms such as social media, for information.
It further shows that 80 per cent of Kenyans rely on television for their information, with the increased subscription rates attributed to the electioneering period further amplified by the accessibility of online platforms.
Prime news remained most preferred.
Radio listenership was found to be highest during the morning shows, with 35 per cent of respondents preferring the morning shows aired from 6 – 10 am.

Another 24 per cent listen to the radio from 8 pm to midnight. This is attributed to the usage of PSVs by the majority of Kenyans who automatically subscribe to the morning/evening radio shows on their way home/to work.
The existence of phone radio apps and preference for the shows aired during those times may also play a role.
Most-watched TV stations in Kenya
Here is a summary of key findings:
- Approximately seven in every ten surveyed respondents do not read newspapers (either physical or digital versions).
- Citizen TV stands out as the most-watched TV station both in 2021 and 2022.
- The top three (3) most-watched TV stations in Kenya are Citizen TV (38%), NTV (13%), and KTN Home (12%).
- Other key stations watched include KBC (9%), Inooro TV (8%), K24 (5%), and KTN News (4%).
- Radio Citizen and Radio Jambo stand out as the top listened-to radio stations both in 2021 and 2022.
- The Daily Nation (53%), the Standard (22%) and Taifa Leo (15%) are the most-read newspaper brands.
- The most viewed news websites in 2022 include (28%), Citizen Digital (22%) and Nation Africa (15%).
- Facebook, WhatsApp and YouTube are the 3 most used digital/social media platforms both in 2021 and 2022.
- Approximately seven in every ten surveyed respondents (69%) either have some trust or a lot of trust in the media. Another 10% indicated that they have no trust in the media, whereas 22% were indifferent.
- Comparatively, the level of trust in the media has declined over the last two years.
- Trust in the media is highest for Television (33%), followed by radio at 32%.
- Royal Media Services (62%) is the most trusted media organisation in Kenya.